Mini-Split for CoolBot :: Coolbot Cassette air conditioner 18000btu. Works with Coolbot

Coolbot Cassette air conditioner 18000btu. Works with Coolbot

Coolbot Cassette air conditioner 18000btu. Works with Coolbot
Weight 150.00 lbs

Coolbot Cassette air conditionner Goodman 18000btu

19 seer has the same specification as the 15 seer, Refer this PDF for specification



  • Allows a standard window air conditioner to cool a room to 34 F!
  • Build your own walk-in cooler – trusted by farmers, florists, hunters, brewers, restaurants, convenience stores, mortuaries, and more.
  • Installs in minutes – no tools or electrical knowledge required.
  • Guaranteed to work or your money back – join over 45,000 satisfied customers.
  • Recommended by major university extension programs.
  • Made in the USA and ships free to the USA.
  • We ship globally – International shipping calculated at checkout
  • LG & GE air conditioners over 12.000 btu are not approved in Canada  
  • Frigidaire air conditioners  are approved  up to 28.000 btu
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